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  • Orchids | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Orkidéer Orkidéer har en unik aura om dem och kommer från alla delar av världen. Orkidéer har en stor mångfald i färger, former, storlekar och dofter, men inte alla har behagliga dofter. De växer in i tropiska, tempererade och vissa i nästan frysande förhållanden. Många anser att orkidéer är svåra att växa och blomstra. Faktum är att de flesta orkidéer är lätta att odla och att få blomstra, men med alla planeter krävs rätt förhållanden. Ett antal är praktiskt taget oförstörbara och med några grundläggande tips kan de flesta odla orkidéer så att de inte bara trivs utan blommar. Orkidéer har en unik aura om dem och kommer från alla delar av världen. Orkidéer har en stor mångfald i färger, former, storlekar och dofter, men inte alla har behagliga dofter. De växer i tropiska, tempererade och vissa i nästan frysande förhållanden. Många anser att orkidéer är svåra att växa och blomstra. Faktum är att de flesta orkidéer är lätta att odla och att få blomstra, men med alla planeter krävs rätt förhållanden. Ett antal är praktiskt taget oförstörbara och med några grundläggande tips kan de flesta odla orkidéer så att de inte bara trivs utan blommar. Bland de enklaste typerna av orkidéer att växa är: Phalaenopsis (uttalad - Fal-en-op-sis) Dendrobium (uttalad - Den-droh-bee-um) Cattleya (uttalad - Kat-lee-ya). Cymbidium (uttalad - Sim-bid-ee-um) Coelogyne (uttalad - See-loj-in-ee), Coelogyne Alba har en fantastisk doft. Mångfald Även om över 35 000 orkidearter bor på vår planet, har människor hybridiserat dessa arter för att skapa över 200 000 hybrider. Många odlas för sina attraktiva blommor, men utsäde av vaniljorkidén ger den populära smaken. Till skillnad från de flesta växter kan orkidéer växa i luften. Deras rötter fäster vid träd eller stenar där de kan fånga fukt och näringsämnen. Forntida härstamning Bevis tyder på att orkidéer härstammar från när dinosaurier strövade på planeten för ungefär 120 miljoner år sedan och många har en koppling till vissa typer av insekter eller fåglar för att de ska kunna pollinera sina blommor. Orkidéer är en stor, mångsidig och unik familj av växter. Orkidéer eller Orchidaceae är blommor av monokot i superordern Liliiflorae. Monocots är möjligen de viktigaste växterna på jorden och härstammar från våra fyra viktigaste livsmedel, såsom ris, majs, vete och korn. Andra, som bambu och palmer, är en primär källa till byggmaterial i många länder, och sockerrör, ananas, dadlar och bananer kommer från monocots. Orkidéfamiljen innehåller fler arter än någon annan familj av växter - vissa botaniker uppskattar för att innehålla cirka 25 000 till 35 000 arter. Orkidéer blommar i ett brett utbud av färger och former och de lever i en mängd olika livsmiljöer, från: Lev i direkt solljus, skugga, svala och kalla klimat Klättra på stenar, träd Väx på marken En annan funktion om orkidéer är att de har flera kännetecken, som: Pistlar (kvinnlig del) Ståndare (manlig del) Orkidéer kommer karakteristiskt i två huvudformer, monopodiala och sympodiala orkidéer. Monopodial orkidéer har stammar som växer på obestämd tid. Denna typ av orkidéblad växer alltid från slutet av en stam och monopodial orkidéer producerar ofta luftrötter längs sina stjälkar. Monopodial Orchids har inga pseudobulbs, de producerar ny tillväxt från plantans krona och rötterna kan vara särskilt tillfälliga. Det är inte ovanligt att ha luftrötter med jämna mellanrum längs stammen, särskilt på arter som Vandas. Blomspikarna, eller blomställningen, växer från stammens sida, inte från slutet. Populära monopodial orkidéer inkluderar: Vanda Phalaenopsis Sympodial orkidéer kategoriseras genom att ha en följd av skott eller glödlampor, kända som pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs stiger från basen på den före den och varje pseudobulb har begränsad tillväxt. Rötter bildas normalt från basen av pseudobulbs eller längs rhizomen. Blomspiken av Sympodial orkidéer stiger från basen av pseudobulben eller till och med från en rhizom. Tropiska orkidéer är ofta sympodiala och populära sympodiala orkidéer inkluderar: Cattleyas Dendrobiums Oncidiums Spathoglottis Sympodiala orkidéer har pseudobulbs som växer på en rhizom. Dessa kan verka korta så att glödlamporna verkar fästa vid varandra eller tillräckligt långa för att det kommer några centimeter mellan dem. Det är nödvändigt att regelbundet potatisera dessa orkidéer på grund av det omfattande laterala tillväxtmönstret.

  • Airbrush Troubleshooting | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Airbrush Troubleshooting Airbrushing comes with some inherent issues, these problems and troubleshooting them vary and can be experienced at any time no matter how experienced the user, here are a few. Bubbling in the gravity cup or suction bottle. ​ Can be caused by air pressure entering the paint reservoir. There are several reasons, most common are. ​ An air leak in the air cap or nozzle area. Solution – Tighten the loose Air Cap or Head. ​ Needle tip dry is dry and has blocked the nozzle. Solution - Clean or Replace the Tip Dry or Blocked Nozzle. ​ The air cap or head is loose. Solution – Replace worn or damaged nozzle seal. ​ The airbrush nozzle has a split. Solution – Replace the Split Nozzle. The spray pattern is off-centre . ​ Normally caused by a bent needle tip. The paint or fluid exits the airbrush and follows the bend on the tip of the needle. ​ Straighten the Needle Tip – This can be achieved with a flat sharpening stone or two pieces of 1” x 2” wood. I use a SharpenAir , which is a hand-held device designed specifically for repairing bent and damaged airbrush fluid needles. ​ Replace the Needle. Airbrush does not spray paint. ​ There are a few that can cause this, the most common are. A blocked nozzle often caused by poor cleaning. The solution for a Blocked Nozzle is to soak and clean the nozzle. ​ For a loose needle chucking nut when the needle is not moving with the trigger action. Solution - Check and tighten the needle chucking or locking the nut. ​ The paint consistency is too thick. Solution - Thin paint with appropriate thinner, reducer, water to a milky consistency. ​ Inappropriate low air pressure. Sometimes the paint can be slightly too thick, and the pressure is too low to atomize. Increase the air pressure accordingly. Airbrush sprays paint when the trigger is depressed for air. Caused because the needle is not sitting flush inside the nozzle or you have the wrong nozzle attached for the size of the needle. Otherwise, if the airbrush only sprays a blob of paint when the trigger is depressed then follow the Air On – Air Off method - first depress the trigger, then pull the trigger back for paint flow and then after spraying return the trigger forward before releasing the trigger/airflow. Shutting the paint flow off before the airflow will spray any residue paint off the tip of the needle. ​ Unscrew the needle locking nut. ​ Gradually push the needle forward until it rests inside the nozzle. ​ Tighten the needle-locking nut. Air pressure remains on when the trigger is released. Often due to many several reasons, like residue paint or solvents entering the air valve and affecting the air valve seal to swell or become sticky. A slack air valve closure or guide screw will not compress the air valve spring enough to fully return and shut off airflow. Disassemble internal air valve components and lubricate with airbrush lube and re-assemble. ​ Replace air valve seals if they appear eroded by solvents. ​ Tightening the air valve closure or guide screw will compress the air valve spring and shut off airflow. Poor spray or splattering of paint. There are several reasons, ranging from. Paint consistency. Solution - Reduce to a milky consistency. ​ Low air pressure. Increase air pressure until paint atomizes. ​ Damaged needle. Replace needle or repair using the SharpenAir device. ​ Tip dry or a partially blocked nozzle. Remove the needle and clean with a Q-Tip or cloth dampened using an airbrush cleaner (always wipe away, airbrush needles are very sharp). ​ Residue paint build-up in the needle cap, nozzle, or air cap. Clean and replace if indicated. Spray Spidering. Often caused if the paint has been over-thinned. Solution 1 - Add paint to the mix or reduce air pressure. ​ Solution 2 - Do not draw the trigger back so far or increase the distance from the surface. ​ Also, caused by spraying the paint too heavily on a non-porous surface. Solution - having the air pressure too high. Solution - Add paint to the mix or reduce air pressure.

  • Lunix OS | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Linux Linux is an open-source operating system (OS), it sits underneath the other software on a computer, receiving requests from programs and relaying those requests to the computer’s hardware. A Linux distribution (often abbreviated as distro) is an operating system (OS) made from a collection of software based on the Linux kernel and often a package management system. A few acts and feels like MS Windows or macOS, and are relatively easy to use, while others are more complex to use. I mostly use Linux Mint, Puppy, and Mageia, but only as a personal preference. If I had to choose one it is Linux Mint as I find it is a good all-round operating system. ​ I have two dual boot systems (where I can choose to boot into either Linux or Windows – or Linux or macOS) and one triple boot computer (where I can choose to boot into either one of two Linux distro or Windows). So, why so many computers and operating systems? I use the computers and operating systems for different things but do most of my programming on Linux. Other tasks can be done on any of the operating systems. The advantage of Linux is, when I log onto Linux Mint, I can also view and move across the data from MS Windows, modify it and then move it back without the need to boot into Windows. This is extremely useful if the Windows operating system crashes and I need an aspect of data fast, as I can use Linux to get what I need. Especially useful for data rescue . ​ Also, Linux is not as hungry on a computer's resources, so Linux operating system and its programs can be installed and run on older lower spec computers and hardware. ​ Linux comes in many distro types or versions, a few are: ​ Mint Puppy Linux Mandriva Mageia Kubuntu Arch Linux Ubuntu Fedora Ubuntu Red Hat OpenSUSE Mandrake CentOS MX Linux Gentoo Slackware Debian Free BSD Additional Links: ​ Install WINE How does Linux differ from other operating systems (OS)? But many Windows programs will run quite happily on a Linux operating system, but you will need Wine (not the fluid type). ​ Wine is a free Linux tool to run Windows compatible software on a Linux operating system, without the need of MS Windows. ​ Wine is an open-source Windows compatibility layer that can run Windows programs directly on a Linux desktop. Basically, this open-source project is endeavoring to re-implement enough of Windows from scratch that it can run all those Windows applications without needing Windows. Linux is like MS Windows and macOS (formerly OS X or iOS). Like other operating systems, Linux has a graphical interface, and the same kinds of software you are accustomed to. There is a vast repository of free software available, an exceedingly small list is: ​ Word processors and PDF Editors – LibreOffice , PDF Studio , or OpenOffice Code and Text Editors – VS Code, Lyx , Simplenote , Laverna or Texmaker Photo, Image, Video and Audio editors – GIMP, Inkscape , Audacity , LMMS , Kdenlive , and OpenShot Screen Recording – Kazam , OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) , Flameshot or Ksnip Communication, Messaging, and Productivity Tools – Slack or Franz Virtualization options – Oracle , VM VirtualBox Authenticators - Authy Media Converters – Handbrake and SoundConverter Hardware and Software management systems – Stacer and Htop Backup Tools – Timeshift or Bacula Media Players – Audacious or VLC Media Server Software – Kodi and Plex Gamers – Steam and Discord Internet browsers - Firefox , Midori, Opera , Gnome , Google Chrome, Brave , Vivaldi , Falkon , Konqueror , Pale Moon , Waterfox , Slimjet, and Dissenter Email clients – Hiri and Thunderbird In many cases, software creators make a Linux version of the same program compatible with other operating systems. So, if you can use a computer or other electronic device, you can use Linux. ​ Nevertheless, Linux also is different from other operating systems in many significant ways. Linux is open-source software. The code used to create Linux is free and available to the public to view, edit, and for users with the appropriate skills to contribute to it. ​ Linux is also unusual in that, although the core pieces of the Linux operating system are generally common, there are many distributions (types or versions) of Linux, that include distinctive software options. Meaning, that Linux is incredibly customisable, not because applications like word processors and web browsers, can be changed, but Linux users can also choose core components, like which system display graphic or user-interface components used.

  • Wired Network | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Wired Network System Wired LANs (Local Area Networks) use Ethernet cables and network adapters. ​ There are two ways to set up a LAN system: ​ Broadband routers often provide DSL Internet connections and because they normally have additional facilities that allow direct connections for a shared printer or server. ​ Two computers can be directly wired to each other using an Ethernet crossover cable. ​ Using a central device or devices like a router, hubs, switches to connect more than two computers, servers, or printers. ​ Installation Ethernet cables must run from the router to each computer, printer, or server. It can be costly, laborious, and messy to run cables through a house, either under the floor or through walls, especially if you have an old Victorian house like mine. Even in newer houses chasing out the walls for cables or taking up the floorboards can take some time and be very messy. Luckily for some people, newer homes are often being pre-wired with CAT5 cables and RJ-45 sockets. These are wired sockets ready to accept your cables. If you are willing to put in the time and mess, it is a simple matter to fit CAT5 cables and RJ-45 sockets. We will explore what is needed and how to achieve this later. Once the hardware has been installed the configuration of the wired or wireless LANs are similar. Both rely on standard Internet Protocol (IP) and network operating system configuration options. These will be discussed later. ​ Cost In this age of financial constraints, the cost is the biggest denominator when deciding whether to opt for a wired or wireless network. If your computer, router, and printer are in proximity a wired system will cost little more than a wireless option. Most Internet providers supply a free router, Ethernet cable and with ADSL a filter with your package. Because of this you only need to buy an additional CAT5 cable to connect your printer. Of course, you can bypass this requirement by connecting your printer via a USB cable. If you only require a cable, CAT 5 Cable – prices vary depending on the length, but you can expect to pay between £2.50 and £6.00 for a 5-metre length. For installing a fitted wired system, the cost will be higher as you will need for each outlet: RJ45 RJ11 Cat5 Network Tool Kit Cable Tester Crimp Lan - £18.50 Cat 5 Single Socket RJ45 Ethernet Network Face Plate - £2.00 Wall box for faceplate - £2.00 RJ45 Connector Network Cable CAT5 Crimp Ends Plugs x 10 - £1.00. Ethernet CCA Cable Roll Network LAN Solid UTP CAT5e-CCA Grey 100m - £10.00 ​ These prices do not usually very much. I buy my stuff from Amazon and a local electrical outlet. ​ Reliability Ethernet cables, routers, and switches are exceptionally reliable, mostly due to the manufacturer’s commitment to improving Ethernet technology. Ethernet technology is an ever-expanding structure and companies are continuously funding research into improving the communications systems. A great deal of advancements has occurred during the past few years in the wireless arena, and this has been directed because of the need to strengthen security and improve wireless systems. With cabled systems, if you take time to fasten cables and making sure the wires in the RJ-45 boxes are wired correctly and secure will help eliminate problems with wired networks. I have had several Broadband routers fail, so reliability is still an on-going concern. If this occurs contact your Broadband provider and they should replace it for you, or you can buy a better model. Wired networks are more reliable, faster, and secure than their wireless counterparts. Performance ​ Despite the improvements of wireless routers over the past few years wired LANs still provide better performance and reliability over wireless systems. In the past, wired Ethernet connections have increased from 10 Mbps bandwidth to 100 Mbps and now 1000Mbps is now commonplace. Wired LANs using a hub might sustain performance slowdown if several computers, servers, or printers are heavily using the network at the same time. To help prevent this use Ethernet switches. Security ​ Routers come with Firewall software installed. Because of this when wired networks (LANs) are connected to the Internet the Firewall will provide an element of security. However, wired Ethernet hubs and switches do not have firewalls. ​ To help protect your computer from Intrusion, Trojans, and Viruses you will need antivirus and firewall software installed on your computer. I use ESET and Malwarebytes, there are free alternatives, but I find the free options significantly less secure and reliable. Nearly all the infected computers I worked on in the industry had free versions and the removal of the risk and preventing data loss always cost more than purchasing the paid anti-virus and malware software combined. ​ Although Broadband routers have firewalls installed, these are not reliable so do not rely on this alone to protect your computers. ​ KEEP the antivirus and malware software updated on a regular basis, as new threats come onto the web daily.

  • Recipes | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Recipes Bread - there is nothing like home-baked bread. The benefits of home baking are renowned throughout the world, it is healthier, and you have control over what ingredients go into each batch. If you purchase bread from the store, there will be a long ingredient list, like: Potassium bromate. Partially hydrogenated oil: Azodicarbonamide. Store bread can also often have preservatives to extend its shelf life. Baking your own can make your bread healthier using nutritious ingredients, like: ​ Whole wheat. Honey. Wild Rice Bread. Sunflower Seeds. Tomatoes. Cheese. Herbs. Fruit. Sandwich Bread Loaf

  • HDD Errors | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    HDD Error Management Hard Drive Error Management ​ A healthy primary becoming a RAW partition can be caused by several reasons, such as: ​ Virus infection Format failure Accidental OS shutdown Power outages ​ How to do RAW partition fix easily in Windows 7/8/10? There are a few ways you could choose from. ​ DISCLAIMER: The examples that I have illustrated are ones I employ to deal with hard drive problems. They might be dangerous to use for some systems. These procedures may also be ineffective. If you try them, you may cause damage or irreparable data loss. Because of this take great care. Therefore, I take no responsibility for anything you do based on my examples or the information that I have provided. ​ How to Fix: Internal or External HDDs that became RAW. A commonplace and bewildering problem with computers is the unexpected and mysterious disappearance of a hard drive (HHD) that has been working properly. It can be a horrendous experience to suddenly find that your data might be gone forevermore. I still get the stomach tightening when a message box reports that your HDD has given up the ghost. ​ It is easy to say, ‘ Don’t panic ’, but most inexperienced people will have that gut-wrenching moment when the hard drive is no longer usable. ​ If approached sensibly and carefully, the situation can usually be resolved, and the data saved. Below we will look at a few of the causes, fixes, and preventative measures for occurrences involving HDDs used with Windows XP and Windows Vista/7/8, Yes, I know they are old systems, but I know of a major computer store that still uses XP because of the cost and management implications of upgrading to MS Windows 10. ​ Error Messages Usual error messages associated with the inability to access an HDD. When attempting to access the drive in Windows you may see a message asking you to format the drive - ‘You need to format the disk in drive before you can use it, Do you want to format it?’ ​ DO NOT FORMAT THE DRIVE Another error that you may see when trying to access the drive in Windows from a program or the command line is - ‘ This volume does not contain a recognised file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded, and that the volume is not corrupted. ’ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Attempting to run chkdsk with a RAW HDD to repair the problem will give the error – ‘chkdsk cannot be run on the drive’ The type of the file system is RAW. CHKDSK is not available for RAW drives.’ Before going on, you need to be aware of the risks involved. ​ If the problem with the drive is not a logical error but is a symptom of physical damage, the more you try to use or repair it, the worse the damage may become. ​ The drive should not be making strange clicking or beeping noises. If this occurs it indicates physical damage. ​ In these situations, I disconnect the drive from my windows machine and plug it into a purely Linux machine to repair or recover the data. Even so, this can make the situation worse. ​ If you wish to continue your own there are a couple of important rules to remember. If you do not have a dual boot system with Linux perhaps a friend does. ​ Do Not try to write anything to the raw DRIVE apart from trying to repair the Master Boot Record (MBR) and Boot Sector. Any other data transfer, deleting partitions, or attempting to format the drive can overwrite data on the drive. ​ If you have important data or photographs on the drive do not mess about it, take/send it to a professional for data retrieval. ​ Computer problems are erratic and not set in stone. So, try other ideas, search the web. Not every option will work so it is important to think laterally. ​ If the drive does not hold important data you can try to format it using the command line - I have had several successes, but also many failures. ​ If you do not need any of the data - use the 'Disk Clean' method below Open the Disk Management window and click on Disk Management in the left pane and make note of the disk in the middle pane of the disk that you want to clean or clean all (Fig: Be sure that you have the correct disk, check the number, mine is drive ‘T’ No. 4. You would not want to wipe clean the wrong disk. Press the Windows + C keys to open the search dialog, type command on the left side of your screen right-click the ‘ Command Prompt ’ tab and choose ‘ Run as Administrator ’ at the bottom of the page, and click the link. Once the Shell opens (Fig: 1) a line will display: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ Fig: 1 Type ‘ diskpart ’ (Fig: 2) and press ‘ Enter ’ Fig: 2 Beside DISKPART> type ‘ list disk ’ and press ‘ Enter ’ ​ You will see in (Fig: 3) that there are 6 disks listed 0 to 5, remember I am using disk 4. (Double, no triple check you have the correct disk before continuing) Fig: 3 Now the prompt (Fig: 4) displays ‘ Disk 4 is now the selected disk ’ ​ Beside DISKPART > type ‘ list disk ’ and press ‘ Enter ’ You will see in (Fig: 4) that I have 6 disks listed 0 to 5, remember I am using disk 4. (Double, no triple check you have the correct disk before continuing) ​ Beside DISKPART > type ‘clean’ and then press ‘ Enter ’ Fig: 4 Disk 4 will now be cleaned, once complete it will state ‘ DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the disk ’ (Fig: 5). Fig: 5 For a full clean, just type ‘ clean all ’ instead of ‘ clean ’ and press ‘ Enter ’ as before – a clean all will take many hours if you are using it on a large drive. ​ Go back to the Disk Management screen and format the drive, normally it will format fine using efat system, but I have had problems with some hard drives reverting back to RAW when trying to format them in NTSF .

  • Paint | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Paint Att måla ett modellpaket är en grundläggande aspekt av modellbyggnaden, och den typ av färg som används är en personlig preferens. Så vilken färg använder du? För mig sätter modellerna inte bara modellen ihop. Jag använder främst ett urval av airbrushes, men använder handborstningstekniker för fin detalj och vittring. Det finns fördelar och nackdelar med att välja färg. Jag använder akryl , lack , oljebaserad och emellanåt emaljfärger . De vanligaste tillverkarna av färger jag använder är: Vallejo - AK Interactive - MIG AMMO - MSP (Master Series Paint) - Games Workshop - Golden - Warcolours - Mission Models - MRP (MrPaint) (lackfärg) - Lifecolor - Abteilung (akryl- och oljefärg) - Colour Standards provide a reference point industry can trust when measuring colour in military colouring and camouflage, national and company transport, paint manufacturers, and hobby enthusiasts, particularly those who build models of a certain period, armies, transport, or wars. Colour standards can be applied to numerous purposes, and range from ultraviolet, visible, to infrared, wavelength ranges of 300 - 800nm. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Besides colour, the next obvious feature of a colour standard is its surface property, these range from high gloss, mid-gloss to matte. One can often see if the light is reflected or diffused on a matte surface. ​ The reflected light is specular light, this leaves the surface at an equal and opposite angle to that of the incident light. ​ However, the colour of many materials is not specular light, so to measure the colour of a standard, one needs to ignore the specular light and concentrate on the diffuse light measurement to fathom the colour of the standard. ​ Even today, not all paint is equal, paint is produced by a multitude of manufacturers in numerous countries colour, quality and various paint colour standards are used. ​ Many manufacturers provide colour conversion charts and in most cases these are fine. But if like me, you may use many paint manufacturers finding the right paint colour conversion can be time-consuming. So, I started to design a database to store the colours I mostly use. When a new colour materialises, I add it to the database. ​ I also add the standard codes used by some areas to define paint colours into the database: This manufacturer paint conversion document is not yet complete, but it is constantly being updated:. ​ Click on the button to download the database: The standard codes used by some areas to define paint colours into the database: ​ RAL – European colour matching standard that defines paint colours, plastics, and coatings colours. RAL is administrated by the RAL Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung, it is the abbreviation of ‘ R eichs- A usschuß für L ieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung’. Which means, ‘National Commission for Quality Assurance and Labelling’. ​ FS - F ederal S tandard is the colour description and communication system developed by the United States government in 1956. Its roots began in World War II when a problem was highlighted, that of providing exact colour specifications to military equipment subcontractors in different parts of the world became a matter of importance. But in 1991, Urban Fredriksson’s Colour Reference Charts were first published, which soon became the 'de facto standard * ’ for communicating colour data between historical camouflage colour researchers and modelling enthusiasts to determine the correct colours for model paints throughout the world. Known as 595a/595B, often abbreviated as ‘FED-STD-595B’ as they have no official names. ​ RLM - The State Ministry of Aviation ‘ R eichs L uftfahrt M inisterium’, defined the colours used by the Luftwaffe. They established a standard for colour shades, their production, and applications. There were directives, but other regulations, some of which had been established before the formation of the RLM itself in 1933, limited the number of colours available and fortified production from pigments obtainable within Germany. The paint was supplied by several companies and even though aircraft manufacturers could choose what commercial products to purchase, they had to adhere to specific uniform standards, characterised by the Farbtontafel and later by individual paint imperfections. Following is a list of RLM (Reichsluftfahrt Ministerium) paint designations used by the German Ministry of Aviation from 1933 through 1945. ANA - A rmy- N avy A eronautical Paint Colours were used by the US Federal Government from 1943 through to 1970 to standardize colours for aircraft manufactured by the American aircraft industry. But the ANA standard was abandoned in 1970 when the colour standards were transferred to the Federal Standard 595A. BS - B ritish S tandards for colours are the United Kingdom standard for colours, it is amalgamated under the Royal Charter ‘National Standards Body’. British Standards exist to guarantee the level of quality and consistency. BS 4800 is the standard range of colours for paints, created by the British Colour Council. and is used mainly in construction and interior decoration. A colour’s name may change, but its number is constant. In 1930 the ‘British Colour Council’ came into being, its core objective was organising a standard code for colours to maintain clarity. ​ *The term de facto standard is used in contrast with obligatory standards known as ‘de jure standards’, or to express a dominant voluntary standard when there are many standards accessible for the same use.

  • HTML | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    HTML HTML is not a programming language, denoting it does not have the ability to create dynamic functionality. As an alternative, it makes it possible to organize and format documents, comparably like Microsoft Word. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and it permits users to create and structure sections, paragraphs, headings, links, and block-quotes for web pages and applications. ​ When working with HTML, simple code structures (tags and attributes) to mark up a website page are used. An example being the creation of a paragraph by placing the enclosed text within a starting and closing tags. ​ Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard Markup Language for documents designed to be displayed in web browsers and can be helped by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript. ​ Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage then render the documents into multimedia web pages. An example is: < !DOCTYPE html > < html > < head > < title > Page Title < /title > < /head > < body > < h1 > Heading of website < /h1 > < p > First paragraph used in site < /p > < /body > < /html > So, what does it mean? < !DOCTYPE html > declaration defines this document as an HTML5 document. < html > element is the root part of an HTML page. < head > portion contains meta information about the HTML page. < title > section specifies a title for the HTML page - used to name the 'Title' of your page. < body > element defines the document's body and is a container for all the visible contents - this is where you put your headings, paragraphs, images, hyperlinks, tables, and lists. < h1 > part defines a large heading. < p > section defines a paragraph/s the text written on this page is written in this section between the <> . ​ <> is known as 'Tags', there is a 'Start Tag' and an 'End Tag', data is written between them and ​ If you can right-click a web page and click on 'View Source' to see how HTML aspects of that page. HTML tags are like keywords that define that how a web browser will format and display its content. Using tags web browsers can distinguish between HTML and its content. HTML tags contain three main parts: ​ Start (opening) tag. Content. End (finishing) tag. ​ When web browsers read HTML documents it reads them from top to bottom and left to right. HTML tags are used to create HTML documents and render their properties and each HTML tag has different properties depending on its function. ​ An HTML file must have some essential tags so that the web browser can differentiate between simple text and HTML text. You can use as many tags as you want as per your code requirement.

  • CMD | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    CMD - Command Promt Before Windows was created, the most usual operating system that ran on computers was DOS (Disk Operating System). ​ I can remember learning how to use DOS and still use it on a regular basis. ​ Over time, newer versions of Windows were developed, and DOS was finally phased out with Windows ME. However, even with Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11, the CMD (Command Line) in DOS (disk operating system) system still runs in the background, and a command line or command prompt window can still be opened. It has a similar appearance to DOS and can be a useful tool when diagnosing problems. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The command prompt/line is also used in Linux operating systems and many seasoned computer users use the command line as much as the graphical user interface. ​ Whether you are using MS Windows, macOS or Linux, there is a Shell, (Shell is a computer program that presents a command-line interface that allows you to control your computer using commands entered with a keyboard instead of controlling graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with a mouse/keyboard combination), Console window or the likes lurking in the background. Windows and Linux use different commands to access and use these Shells, so if you use both you will need to learn two types of command language. Using the Command Prompt or Dos Window ​ When people refer to the command prompt, they may refer to it in different ways. Some call it: ​ A Shell Console Window Command Prompt Cmd Prompt Terminal Command Line DOS ​ To find and open an MS-DOS prompt or Windows command line for the various Windows versions press the Window key and type CMD , this will highlight the Command Prompt , then click it to open the shell.

  • Airbrushing | Qâf ScaleModels Gozo

    Airbrushing If you are committed airbrushing will give you more options. ​ Airbrush - there are many airbrush variants and many manufacturers, it is often personal preference. Double or dual-action airbrushes are considered more flexible than single-action airbrushes because they allow users to modify paint volume accordingly. This is more beneficial when building scale models. However, this does not imply that the single-action brush cannot be used for painting models. Some users prefer single action because they are easy to use and handle. There are a number of types available: Single action - Press down the trigger controls airflow, basically, it is an on-off device, so do not try to control the airflow or pressure. That is done using the regulator on the compressor. Twisting the knob at the rear of the airbrush counter clockwise starts and increases paint flow until the knob is twisted completely out. ​Advantages: The separate air and paint controls make single-action airbrushes easier to use than double-action airbrushes. Allowing users to concentrate on moving their hand instead of concentrating on how far back the finger moves. Provides repeatable actions as everything is pre-set. Keeping air pressure and paint flow steady. Double action - Press down on the trigger for air release - pressing down further release more air. Pull back on the trigger for paint release - pulling back further will discharge more paint. Dual-action, sometimes referred to as double-action, allows modellers and artists greater control. Dual-action airbrushes provide the user to produce incredibly fine lines and provide greater control of fading and blending for more detailed work. Good dual-action airbrushes are more expensive than single-action airbrushes because of the greater accuracy. Dual-action airbrushes also have a steeper learning curve than single-action airbrushes, so can take longer to develop full control and a disciplined technique. Trigger or Pistol grip style airbrushes are one of the most useful types of airbrushes available, but they are not so popular amongst the average modeller. There are plenty of trigger or pistol grip airbrushes on the market today, like the: Grex TS. Iwata - TRN1, TRN2, Neo TRN, HP-TR1, HP-TR2, HP-TH, HP-TH2. Sparmax – GP-35, GP-50, GP-70 and GP850. Harder & Steenbeck – Colani. Mr Procon Boy - PS-275, PS-290. Zoukei - Mura PM-C. PointZero. Despite the number of Trigger or Pistol grip style airbrushes available the interest in this specific style of airbrush is minimal. Some manufacturers denote the ‘T/TR’ as ‘Trigger’ other ‘P/PS’ as ‘Pistol’. ​ The benefit of these types of airbrush is being a dual-action airbrush, it works somewhat like a single-action one. Pulling the trigger automatically mixes the air and paint, the more you pull the trigger the richer your mix becomes. Advantages Variations in finger or hand motions benefit people who do not have the dexterity to use a normal trigger. The trigger mechanism stays cleaner for a longer period. Tighter tolerances are obtainable. Disadvantage Trigger mechanism is more problematic to maintain. Sparmax GP-50 Grex Tritium TG Iwata TR1 ​ Gravity-feed - Gravity-feed airbrushes have a paint cup at the top of the airbrush where the paint is poured. With the aid of a compressor, gravity pulls small amounts of paint into the mixing chamber where atomization occurs. ​ Side-feed - Side feed airbrushes are in-between, with the aid of a compressor, they can use a side gravity cup or side siphon-feed bottle. Most side-feed airbrush sets include a cup and bottles. ​ Siphon-fed - Siphon-fed airbrushes feature a bottle or cup connected to the bottom of the airbrush with a tube running through. With the aid of a compressor, the air is drawn into the top of the tube causing the paint to be ‘siphoned’ into the mixing chamber where atomization occurs. I have separate airbrushes for different tasks I do not like mixing airbrushes with different types of paint, primers, or varnishes and each of my airbrushes is labelled for a specific task. Examining the list below, yes, I have a lot of airbrushes, but these were purchased over many tears to see if one airbrush is better than the other, like many of my pieces of equipment. And, yes, there is a great disparity between airbrush manufacturers and models of airbrushes. Often it is personal preference what airbrush you use, an airbrush recommended by one person may not be suitable for you. Airbrush parts vary greatly in quality. I have two cheap-no-name airbrushes that I have been using for many years that provide extremely good results and three expensive ones that I do not like. I have found that the two most important features when considering an airbrush are the quality of the tip and the needle. I have found that many expensive airbrushes have poor quality needles and when examining a tip under a microscope have found that the quality is not as good as one might expect. Airbrush tips also vary greatly and I have had two tips from €250 airbrushes with damaged tips and a number high end needles not Unlike the expensive airbrushes where replacement parts are easily accessible, cheap airbrushes replacement parts are almost non-existent, so over the years I have learned to interchange parts and modify the cheap models with great results. All my airbrushes are thoroughly cleaned and lubricated after use; I do not leave dirty airbrushes on my workbench. If you spend money buying a good product, it should be looked after. ​ I use - ​ Harder & Steenbeck 2 x infinity CRplus – one with a 0.15 mm needle, and the second with a 0.2 mm needle used for fine detail work, used for acrylic paint. 1 x Evolution ALplus with 0.2 mm needle used for fine detail work, used with enamels and lacquer paint. 3 x Evolution CRplus with 0.15 mm, 0.2 mm, and 0.4 mm needles used with enamels and lacquer paint. 2 x Evolution Solo with 0.2 mm, and 0.4 mm needles, used for acrylic paint. ​ Sparmax GP-50 – 1 x with 0.3- and 0.4-mm needles, used for acrylic paint. ​ Badger - 2 x Sotar 20/20 Fine 0.21 mm needle, used for acrylic paint. 1 x Patriot 105 0.33 mm needle used for acrylic paint. 1 x Patriot Extreme 105 0.33 mm needle used for acrylic paint. 2 x Renegade Velocity with a 0.21 mm needle used with enamels and lacquer paint. 1 x Renegade Rage with a 0.33 mm needle used with enamels and lacquer paint. ​ Iwata - 2 x Hi-Line HP-BH 0.3 mm needle one used with acrylic paint, second used with enamels and lacquer paint. 1 x Custom Micron CM-B with 0.4-mm needle used with acrylic paint. 5 x Revolution Neo with various needle sizes used with acrylic paint, enamels, lacquer paint, primers, and vanishes. 1 x Neo TR1 with 0.3 mm - 0.4-mm needles used enamels and lacquer paint. 1 X Neo TR2 with 0.3 mm - 0.4-mm needles used with acrylic paint. ​ MIG Ammo - Aircobra with 0.3 mm needle used with acrylic paint. ​ Grex TS - 0.2 mm, and 0.4 mm needles used with acrylic paint. ​ Mr. Procon Boy PS-290 - with 0.5 mm needle used with acrylic paint. ​ Zoukei - Mura PM-C with 0.3 mm needle used with acrylic paint. ​ PointZero – with 0.35 mm needle used with acrylic paint. ​ 8 x Cheap, no name - airbrushes used mainly for primers and varnishes. I do not have or have never used either of - ​ ​ ​ Paasche ​ AK Interactive Harder & Steenbeck iwata TR2 Harder & Steenbeck Airbrush Nozzle Wagner Portable Paint Booth Portable Spray Booth Spraybooth - Airbrush spray booths help remove unpleasant odours and noxious fumes while airbrushing your model kits/parts. They have large fans with filters and long flexible hose pipes to help suck harmful paint particles and fumes from the booth and filter them out of your house through the window or extraction system. But I still advise wearing a respirator mask for best safety. They also protect pets or people close to the spray environment. Airbrush spray booths can also protect items kept near the spray area, reducing over-sprayed. ​ Air compressor - a compressor specifically designed for model makers or artists is vital as the gauges are marked for the ease of lower pressures. Also, purchasing a compressor with a larger air tank will help reduce excessive noise. There is a colossal amount of no-name compressors available, but some of the best-named compressors come from: ​ ​ ​ Badger Iwata Sparmax ​ I use a Sparmax TC-620X Compressor with a 2.5 L tank that is connected to a Sparmax 5 L tank with regular and water traps. And have an older Badger Aspire Pro TC910 compressor as a backup. ​ I have used cheap unbranded compressors, with and without air tanks and apart from the noise, they work well. But I would not recommend a compressor without an air tank as the air pressure fluctuations vary greatly. ​ Cleaning equipment - whether you opt for a named or no-name airbrush, cleaning, and maintenance of airbrushes on a regular basis is a priority to ensure reliability. ​ I clean my airbrush thoroughly after each spraying session, but only deep clean my airbrush when weekly. Laqauers and varnish is a different matter, I always deep clean after use because lacquer and varnish tend to stick everything together if not removed entirely. ​ I use Dental absorbent paper points (the same dentists use to suck out moisture when doing a tooth root canal) to clean out the nozzles, these come in various sizes and fit through the smallest nozzle nicely. Each dental stick is colour coded according to size. White the smallest and black the largest in this pack. ​ When deep cleaning I place my airbrushes in a heated ultrasonic cleaner for 10 minutes, this helps dislodge any persistent residual. I do not use chemicals in the ultrasonic cleaner to prevent damage to the 'O' rings and springs. Sparmax TC-620X Compressor Cheap No Name Compressor Airbrushes needles come in several sizes and qualities: ​ ​ Why have so many, and what do they do? Airbrushes are sophisticated devices used for the application of mediums onto a surface. The main element of paint atomization is an airbrush needle. An airbrush needle is responsible for the mixing of paint with air and forming a spray pattern. Because of their sharp tips, needles are the most fragile parts of airbrushes. They can be easily damaged when knocked or dropped. At best, the needle will bend, and I have lost count of how many airbrush needles I have damaged, and often you may not notice the bend in the needle until it affects the spraying results. How to choose airbrush needles ​ There are a vast variety and quality of airbrush needles from many manufacturers. And each offers a vast number of needle sizes for all types of airbrush models. ​ The main factor influencing needle choice is what is it intended to be used for, the type of airbrush you are using, and the size of the surface being airbrushed. ​ So, changing an airbrush needle will determine the amount of paint or varnish sprayed onto a model. Or will it? There are other factors to consider. The nozzle, also known as the tip, and the needle size of the airbrush will determine the amount of paint that can be sprayed through it. Most airbrushes come with one nozzle and needle already fitted. ​ When you change an airbrush needle size, the nozzle and often the needle cap will need to be changed to allow the correct working of the spray amount and pattern. Also, forcing a large needle into a smaller nozzle can damage it. Another factor is the type of paint being used. Although the likes of Vallejo, AK Interactive, MIG Ammo, Games workshop, etc provide paint ready to be airbrushed straight out of the bottle, I have found that not all paint is equal, it varies between manufacturer and even by the same manufacturer in the pigments of different colours. Many people advise, ‘thin your paint, primer or varnish’ others suggest ‘don’t bother'. Personally, I have found you can not equate a ‘do’ or do not’ paint thinning as it depends on the colour pigment or type of paint being used. ​ And if you decide to thin, buy how much? Over-thinning can breakdown the pigments, while not or under thinning may increase the incidence of tip drying or block. ​ How much to thin? Again, there is a wide consensus, and I have heard: ​ Consistency of ‘single cream’ (found this method too thick) Flows like ‘ milk’ (I find this difficult to visualize) 1:1 Ratio (Does not work for thicker pigment paints) So that it runs down the airbrush cup easily without the pigments breaking up (my method, I can easily see how the paint reacts in the airbrush cup). Airbrush Parts Airbrush and spraying troubleshooting Needle Caps help protect the tip of the needle from being damaged. There are a few designs, some enclosed, and others are partly open to ease needle tip cleaning when in use. Most experienced and professional users remove the needle cap entirely to make needle cleaning easier and to get better views while spraying.

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